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Davisville Homeschool Connection
Discover. Learn. Grow.
Philadelphia Area Homeschool Co-op
Due to the impact of Covid-19, DHSC semester classes will not be meeting at Davisville Church until further notice. Visitors, please visit us on Facebook at Davisville Homeschool Moms or contact member coordinator for status. Thank you!
Co-op Meeting Delays and Cancellations
If we need to cancel Co-op due to weather conditions or illness, we will alert you via email, either the night before or first thing in the morning. Since some people have a distance to come, the decision to cancel will be made before 7:30 am.
Make-up days have been worked into the calendar. If the number of cancellation days affects the calendar schedule, we will add days at the end of the session until we complete 10 weeks (if possible).
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