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We believe…


that the Bible is the Word of God given to humanity to reveal God to us.

that only the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are inspired (God-breathed).

that the Bible is the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

that the Bible is fully trustworthy in all that it addresses.

that the Bible is able to fully equip us to live the life God wants us to live.



We believe…


that there is only one true God who eternally exists in three persons – Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

that God is sovereign in power and authority and perfect in holiness, love and wisdom.



We believe…


that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man.

that He was born of a virgin and lived a perfect life.

that He died on a cross in our place to pay for the sins of the world.

that He rose again on the third day to prove His victory over sin and death.

that He is now in heaven with the Father interceding for those who are His.

that He will return to take those who are His to heaven and to judge the world.



We believe…


that all human beings are created by God in His image.

that through Adam’s disobedience, sin and death entered the world.

that all people are born sinful and are unable to save themselves.

that the just punishment for sin is eternal separation from God.



We believe…


that salvation from sin is a free gift offered to all.

that salvation is totally by the grace of God and is received through faith.

that salvation can never be earned or achieved through good works.

that to receive salvation an individual must:

  • Acknowledge that he/she is guilty of sin

  • Believe that Jesus died for his/her sin and rose again

  • Trust Jesus alone as his/her Savior

that all who are saved are members of God’s Church universal – Christ’s body.

that those who are saved are called to serve as ambassadors and witnesses for Christ.

that those who are saved are secure for eternity.



We believe…


that a local church is a group of believers who meet together regularly to fulfill God’s purposes of worship, evangelism, fellowship, instruction and service.


that water baptism is a public declaration of a believer’s faith in Jesus and a symbol of

his/her union with Him.


that communion is a memorial of Jesus’ death to be observed until He returns.


that it is the parent’s primary responsibility to lovingly train their child(ren) according

to God’s Word.


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