Davisville Homeschool Connection
Discover. Learn. Grow.
Philadelphia Area Homeschool Co-op
Due to the impact of Covid-19, DHSC semester classes will not be meeting at Davisville Church until further notice. Visitors, please visit us on Facebook at Davisville Homeschool Moms or contact member coordinator for status. Thank you!
General Information About Our Co-op
Due to Covid-19, DHSC will not be meeting at Davisville Church until further notice. Leadership coordinators will determine a return to Davisville Church for the future, once notified.
We meet at Davisville Church in Southampton on Tuesday mornings from 9:15am - 1:45pm.
(10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the spring - actual times may vary slightly). There are no
co-op classes on the 4th Tuesday of every month, throughout active semesters.
We offer classes for children from pre-k up to 10th grade, who may participate in gym, along with various subject classes. Nursery care is also available for the littles, aged 3 and under.
The members of the co-op teach or co-teach the classes. Generally speaking, new parents are not asked to teach during their first semester.
Several field trips are organized throughout the year. Most recent trips have included George Washington Crossing & Bowman's Tower, the Liberty Bell, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, as well as non-field trip Beach Days during summer months.
If our co-op sounds like something you would possibly be interested in knowing more about, please fill out the "Contact Us" page. Michelle Fitt, Membership Coordinator, will be in touch soon!
We encourage families to come and see co-op in action to determine if it would be a good fit for them. We would love to schedule a time for you to visit!
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Davisville Home School group is to encourage Christian homeschooling families as they strive to glorify God and pursue excellence in their families and home schools. We do this by providing activities, field trips, and enrichment classes, which complement each family’s home school.